Presentation RollenspielMonster

Hello all,

I would like to introduce my project RoleplayMonster and that is about that I want to combine two hobbies or interests. Roleplaying and data protection, free software helps me.

I personally don’t want to depend on the big players anymore, so I started to offer services myself. This has grown to a, as I find, handsome collection of services.

You can see our services on our homepage and also on the chatons page

Currently I run the whole thing alone, unfortunately, which is not the problem with the current amount of users. Whereby it would be nice to have more administrators/moderators just to be able to look at problems in a more differentiated way.

If there are any questions I am happy to help :slight_smile:

1 « J'aime »

Hi @Tealk !
Thanks for your services presentation. If you want to join the collective, you have to follow the steps written in

The next application round will take place in May-June 2022.

1 « J'aime »

Hello @Angie

I think I should have everything so far? With some I do a little hard because I do not know French.
For example with the application analysis grid

You’re right, most part of our documentation is in french.
For the application analysis grid, I think we could translate it.
Maybe @Nomagic will be helpful to do this ?

What exactly is to be analyzed? I don’t use any self-written software in the project.

We analyze if your organisation meets the requirements set out in the collective Charter before integration into the collective.

ok this should not be a problem if i have read and understood everything correctly.