Bonjour du fnordkollektiv

Salut les chatons !

Nous sommes le fnordkollektiv d’Allemagne. Nous sommes aussi un collectif et nous sommes toujours heureux de collaborer avec d’autres collectifs, de nous connecter et de nous aider mutuellement. Nous envisageons également d’héberger des services open source pour les gens dans un futur proche. Vous êtes intéressés par un échange avec nous ?

Désolé, le français est perfectible. Le même texte est repris ci-dessous en anglais pour plus de sécurité.


Hello Chatons,

we are the fnordkollektiv from Germany. We are also a collective and we are always happy to collaborate with other collectives and connect and help each other. We are also considering hosting open source services for people in the near future. Are you interested in an exchange with us?

Best regards
the fnordkollektiv

4 « J'aime »

Welcome to you, people from the fnordkollektiv :slight_smile: !

We have an empty english section and we will be happy to put your topic into it, do you agree ?

It would be very nice if collectives like CHATONS are created. What could we do to help you in your task, have you some adminsys skills (if no see it could be helpful) ?

May be we should search a way to reference non french CHATONS like collective ?
Do you know , inBerlin, Freifunk and ?

Have a good evening,

2 « J'aime »

Thank you :slight_smile:

Sure, that’s fine.

We do have admin and programmer skills. Right now we do a lot of customer work and also a lot with Workadventures.

That would be awesome.

Most of them, never heard of inBerlin and

Maybe you and other members of CHATON would like to do a jitsi session with us or chat with us on Matrix to see how we can help each other?

Thank you for getting back to us. Have a good night :slight_smile:

Hey @fnordkollektiv I just saw this topic, while randomly browsing the forum. I don’t know if you and @ljf or others had a chat or call with you. In cas you want to discuss on Matrix, here is the official room We speak french there, mainly because there are only french speaking people :sweat_smile: nevertheless I think that you could be welcome to discuss english.

Maybe during the last months you met some others collectives?

1 « J'aime »