
Hello hello,

I have been working on a minimal translation for the website. Working from prior work, I have now 3 pages ready for review (charter, manifest and homepage).

If you are or know an english reader, please feel welcome to review/contribute to the translation.

The 3 files ready for review are part of the merge request
You will need to create an account (or use Oauth) on framagit in order to provide feedback.


1 « J'aime »

c’est les fichiers et qu’il faut lire je présume ?

Oui, c’est bien ça. Pour la page d’accueil il s’agit de

Hey @popi, sorry for the very late reply :frowning:
I just took time now to look at your work, I read your version of the charter so far. Looks good, thanks ! I made some proposals for changes, should I fork your project and upload my version there or should I post everything as a comment as you suggested?
I’ll do the other two texts tomorrow and then we should ask a native English speaker to correct…

I put my file as attachement in my comment on gitlab…

Alright, thanks!

As discussed on gitlab, I have integrated the generic changes (‹ CHATON › instead of ‹ CHATONS › to refer to a member of the collective), and left few things open to discussion within the Merge Request.

I am now reviewing the README changes, will update the gitlab accordingly (I have a problem with the use of ‹ Internet Service Providers ›, which would be misleading for the general public, and currently working on rewording the sentence).

Quick update: the translation is finalising in now. We are going to start pushing the translated pages.

Translation is online on ! The Merge Request on Gitlab will still be open for discussion until the end of the week. After that change will still be possible but will require new MR.

1 « J'aime »

Thank you @popi, you rock !

ohh cool! only saw this now. thanks @popi

Cheers @agnez and @meganer! The MR has been merged this morning, however I am keeping this thread open for whoever wants to continue the translation work for other pages of the website.

I’ll check in again in a few weeks… hopefully there will be plenty to read!